Ryan grew up in Florida, the state of tropical fun. However, as Ryan reflects on his childhood, he notes that air pollution was not a problem in Florida when he was growing up. However, in California it continues to be an important issue.
There are many examples of pollution in Southern California — smog, fumes from factories, and ash and smoke that has come from the rise in wildfires, just to name a few. In short, Ryan's work concerns understanding what's in our atmosphere.
"The reason that it's [the smog is] there is quite complicated — we don't understand all the sources of the pollution even though we've been studying it for 50 or 60 years." — Ryan Ward
Ryan explains that his research explores air pollution, while also considering how this air pollution interacts with environmental issues such as climate change. Ryan's work involves making measurements in the field as well as using computer modeling to analyze those measurements. Ryan's research focuses mostly on aerosols (also known as particulate matter) that are released or formed in the atmosphere, what they are composed of, and how they affect our climate.
Ryan also found himself very interested in public health, which he attributes to the reason he chose to research air pollution. Ryan has been concerned about initiatives surrounding public health since he went to college, where he started as a pre-med student before switching to environmental engineering for his undergraduate degree.
"Environmental engineers are literally the guardians of public health." — Ryan Ward[1] [2]
Outside of research, Ryan is a coach for the drumline at Chino Hills High School, which recently took second place at the WGI Percussion World Championship. Additionally, Ryan enjoys exploring Los Angeles, whether that be checking out local musicians, trying new food, or finding new things to do around the area!
WRITTEN BY: Audrey Ma (Polytechnic School)
Links to previous Linde Center Bios: Emily K. de Jong