Green Design
A Pioneering Laboratory
Caltech has transformed a historic campus building into the prototype laboratory for the future, an unprecedented green renovation that, thanks to the added generosity of Foster and Coco Stanback, makes the Ronald and Maxine Linde Laboratory for Global Environmental Science one of the nation's most energy-efficient science laboratory of its kind.
The Linde laboratory is a model of energy efficiency.
- Hydrogen fuel cells and photovoltaic modules fulfill a substantial portion of the facility's power needs.
- Chilled water cools the building via radiant ceiling panels, reducing cooling energy consumption.
- The building's historic solar telescope has been adapted with funds from Foster and Coco Stanback to channel sunlight deep into the building, reducing artificial lighting needs and costs.
- Filtered rainwater irrigates the water-wise landscaping and is used in the Linde fountain.
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The Stanbacks

We feel very privileged to have had a role in the development of The Linde + Robinson Laboratory. Many of the building's green features are truly revolutionary, and will hopefully inspire successive generations of students to continue to innovate."
–Foster and Coco Stanback
Foster Stanback is a managing partner at various domestic and international firms, including the Optimus Growth Fund and Global Express, S. A. He is actively involved in equity and commodity markets and has a special interest in companies developing green technologies. He holds an M.A. in Sociology from Florida Atlantic University, an M.A. in Religion from Pepperdine University, an M.A. in Psychology from the Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology, and an M.S. in Marketing and technology Innovation from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He is a member of the Beta Gamma Sigma International Honor Society for Collegiate Schools of Business and serves on the advisory board of the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Mr. Stanback also serves on the Chair's Council of Caltech's Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, and he and his wife, Coco, are members of the Associates.
The Stanbacks have been supporters of Global Environmental Science from the beginning. They have endowed a Discovery Fund and postdoctoral and graduate student fellowships. Their support was instrumental for green design features of Linde + Robinson such as the re-purposing of the solar telescope for daylighting.