Programmatic Support
To ensure a robust scientific program in global environmental science, Caltech is seeking support for discovery funds, fellowships, and seminar funds. Named endowments, which are intended to grow and produce annual income, and gifts that can be expended today or over a term of years will have a tremendous impact.
To learn more about these projects, please contact Ellen Jampol, (626) 395-4374,
Discovery Funds
Providing the venture capital to jump-start research projects in The Linde Center, discovery funds support some of the most innovative and ambitious endeavors at Caltech. Gifts of $250,000 or more will endow a discovery fund in perpetuity, while smaller amounts are made available as expendable research funds for a year or longer.
Support for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars is essential to The Linde Center's creativity and scientific impact, and is an investment in the early careers of promising scientists and engineers. Contributions of any size strengthen existing fellowships, while gifts of $37,500 or more provide a student fellowship for one year. Gifts of $750,000 endow a named graduate fellowship fund in perpetuity. For a limited time, a $1-for-$2 match from the Gordon and Betty Moore Matching Program may be available.
Seminar Funds
A continuous exchange with scientists at other institutions is critical for the intellectual vitality and impact of The Linde Center. Seminar funds support visits of scientists who meet with Linde Center faculty, staff, and students and give research presentations. Income from seminar-fund endowments will also cover visitors' travel expenses for a weekly seminar during the academic year. Gifts of $100,000 or more will endow seminar funds in perpetuity.